Indian Military Exercises

indian military

Indian Military Exercises

The Indian military exercises can be segregated into 3 categories:

  1. Domestic Exercise
  2. Bilateral Exercise
  3. Multilateral exercise

Domestic exercise

– This exercise aims to improve internal engagements and these can be inter-services or intra-services depending on nature and their application.

List of domestic military exercises:

  1. Gandiv Vijay (Army)
  2. Paschim Lehar (Navy)
  3. Vayu Shakti (Air Force)
  4. Vijay Prahar (Army)

Bilateral exercise

– These exercises are conducted between two countries.

The following table provides you with a list of important Indian bilateral military exercises.

Exercise NameParticipant Nations
SampritiIndia & Bangladesh
Mitra ShaktiIndia & Sri Lanka
SLINEXIndia & Sri Lanka
Maitree ExerciseIndia & Thailand
Siam BharatIndia & Thailand
Vajra PraharIndia & US
Yudh AbhyasIndia & US
Cope IndiaIndia & US
Nomadic ElephantIndia & Mongolia
Garuda ShaktiIndia & Indonesia
IND-INDO CORPATIndia & Indonesia
Samudra ShaktiIndia & Indonesia
Shakti ExerciseIndia & France
Varuna ExerciseIndia & France
Garuda ExerciseIndia & France
Dharma GuardianIndia & Japan
JIMEXIndia & Japan
Surya KiranIndia & Nepal
Hand in Hand ExerciseIndia & China
SIMBEXIndia & Singapore
AUSINDEXIndia & Australia
Indo-Thai CORPATIndia & Thailand
AUSTRA HINDIndia & Australia
IN-BN CORPATIndia & Bangladesh
Table TopIndia & Bangladesh
Prabal DostykIndia & Kazakhstan
KhanjarIndia & Kyrgyzstan
EkuverinIndia & The Maldives
IMBEXIndia & Myanmar
IMCORIndia & Myanmar
Al NagahIndia & Oman
Naseem Al BahrIndia & Oman
Eastern BridgeIndia & Oman
Exercise IndraIndia & Russia
Ajeya WarriorIndia & UK
KonkanIndia & UK
IndradhanushIndia & UK
Eastern BridgeIndia & Oman
LamitiyeIndia & Seychelles
VINBAXIndia & Vietnam

Multilateral exercise – These exercises are conducted by the military including more than one partner nation.

A list of major multilateral exercises conducted by the military is given below:

Multilateral exerciseNo of Participating countries
COBRA-GOLDAsia – Pacific countries
SamvednaSouth Asian Region Nations

Latest Important Military Exercises – 2024

The table given below mentions the latest editions of all the important military exercises of India with other nations. CSE exam aspirants must refer to the details discussed below:

Exercise nameCountry participated with IndiaLatest Date/Year/EditionHeld at
Al Nagah-IIIOman13th August 2012 4th EditionMahajan Field Firing Range, Bikaner
Bold KurukshetraSingapore6 – 13 March 2023 13th EditionJodhpur Military Station
EkuverinMaldives11 – 24 June 2023 12th EditionChaubatia, Uttarakhand
Garuda ShaktiIndonesiaNovember 2022 8th EditionKarawang, Indonesia
Hand in HandChina7th December 2019 8th EditionUmroi, Meghalaya
IndraRussiaAugust 2021 12th EditionVolgograd, Russia
KhanjarKyrgyzstanMarch 2023 10th EditionBishkek, Kyrgyzstan
LamityeSeychellesMarch 2022 9th EditionSeychelles
MaitreeThailand16th September 2019 14th EditionUmroi, Meghalaya
Mitra ShaktiSri LankaOctober 2021 8th EditionAmpara, Sri Lanka
Multi-national FTX/Exercise Force Eighteen18 ASEAN Plus countries2nd March 2016Pune, India
Nomadic ElephantMongoliaJuly 2023 15th EditionUlaanbaatar, Mongolia
KAZIND (Prabal Dostyk)KazakhstanDecember 2022 6th EditionUmroi, Meghalaya
SampritiBangladeshJune 2022 10th EditionJashore Military Station, Bangladesh
Surya Kiran XIVNepalDecember 2022 16th EditionSaljhandi, Nepal
Yudh AbhyasUnited StatesOctober 2022 18th EditionAuli, Uttarakhand